1·Melting ice may also allow for mineral extraction in areas such as Canada and Russia, and drilling for oil in the Arctic.
2·To construct a more effective mixing leaching, it is of great significance to understand the change of community system between the process of ore mineral extraction.
3·Sims says measurements of the grade, mineral matrix, and size of the ore deposit appear favorable to commercial extraction.
4·Abandoned veins in mineral-rich countries have become viable again-and despite the relatively steep extraction costs, a miniature gold rush might be under way in Britain, too.
5·Mineral oil; Three-dimensional fluorescence spectra; Optical fiber sensing; Feature extraction; Tag sort; Quantitative analysis.
6·Aiming at a class of mineral recovery prediction problems in mineral flotation, the paper presents a prediction algorithm based on froth image feature extraction.
7·In order to obtain an efficient extraction to mineral resources, a method with sufficient accuracy for estimating the grade and tonnage of ore reserve is required.
8·Ocean manganese nodules have the potentiality to be the important mineral resources for extraction of non ferrous metals such as manganese, cobalt, nickel and copper.
9·It is considered that use of direct extraction technology for recovery of low-grade mineral resources is the trend of The Times and broad in prospects.
10·In fact, the process of extraction and synthesis of ore-finding information is also a process of establishing a digital pattern for mineral exploration.